RAM Colloquium with Thomas van Dijk

Title: Improved geovisualisation through mathematical optimisation
Time and venue: Friday, 8 December 2023, 10 am CET; GBIII/214 and online on Zoom (hybrid)
Registration via: https://forms.gle/DyVAethew9g349Gd8
The Zoom link will be shared with all registered participants closer to the event.
There are many aspects of good geovisualisation, such as deciding the type of visualisation, collecting and processing the data, and doing the graphic design. Quite often one runs into layout “puzzles” – perhaps the most well-known one being label placement. Rather than solving such puzzles by hand, mathematical optimisation is an effective paradigm for improving visualisations by forcing us to formally define objectives and then providing efficient methods to optimise them. In this talk I will briefly introduce this field of study and then illustrate it with our recent work on "optimal" drawings of geophylogenies (a visualisation used in biology).