RAM Colloquium with Ruth Neville
Title: From past patterns to future prospects: understanding international student applications into UK higher education
Time and venue: Friday, 17 May 2024, 10am CEST; GBIII/517 and online on Zoom (hybrid)
Registration via: Google Forms
The Zoom link will be shared with all registered participants closer to the event.
International student mobility is a key part of the UK higher education sector. My PhD research examines past, present, and future trends in student applications. The first paper presented employs a multi-level negative binomial model to analyse factors influencing applications from 2009–2019. The second paper that I present investigates Brexit and COVID-19 impacts using difference-in-difference and regression frameworks. Finally, I compare forecasting methods and explore machine learning techniques to predict future applications. These insights shed light on how demographic, political, and economic changes may shape international student mobility in the UK. Overall, my research provides a comprehensive understanding of international student applications and their future trajectory.
Speaker bio:
Ruth Neville is a PhD student at the Geographic Data Science Lab (GDSL) at the University of Liverpool and is currently a visiting researcher at the Digital and Computational Demography Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). Her research sits at the intersection of spatial data science, population geography, and demography. Ruth is particularly interested in the influences and patterns of human mobility and how mobility responds to external shocks and policy changes.