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Department of Spatial Planning

Dr Fillipe Oliveira Feitosa joins the team

Portrait photo of Fillipe Oliveira Feitosa © Fillipe Oliveira Feitosa

We are growing! Dr Fillipe Feitosa has joined our lab on 1 July and will work towards implementing a DFG project until 2027.

It is our pleasure to warmly welcome and introduce our newest addition to the team, Fillipe Oliveira Feitosa, who has recently joined us as a postdoctoral researcher from the Research Group on Territory and Innovation (GETIN) of the University of Aveiro. Dr Feitosa has completed a PhD on spatial justice in accessibility to services of general interest, whereby his focus was on computational simulations to promote social-spatial justice. Coming from an interdisciplinary background combining software engineering and spatial planning, he will work on our new DFG project investigating explicit and implicit understandings of spatial weights as they are used in spatial statistics. Beyond working on this project, Dr Feitosa's work bridges the gap between theoretical justice principles and practical applications, translating these principles into objective parameters for assessing spatial justice. We are looking forward to (at least) three exciting years ahead!