Presentation of study project results on Brownfield redevelopment at Chilean geography congress

Our team member Víctor Cobs-Muñoz, together with BSc students Lena Ziehe and Jonah Kaschel, participated in the XLI National and XXVI International Congress of Geography – Chile, organised by the Chilean Society of Geographical Sciences (SOCHIGEO) hosted online by the Geographical Institute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), Chile. The presentation titled “Phoenix-See: A best practice case of brownfield redevelopment in Dortmund” reported some of the main outcomes of their last-term A-Project final report “Effects of Gentrification. A comparative study of metropolitan and micropolitan spaces in Dortmund, Minsk, and Valparaíso”, and was thus held on behalf of all other study project participants.
The presentation was part of the coordinated table (Roundtable discussion) “Risks, resilience and urban resistance: the city in crisis” organized by Dr. María José Otero (PUCV) and Víctor Cobs-Muñoz (TU Dortmund University) with participants from University College London, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, University of London, and the Association of Feminist Geographers of Chile (Geógrafas Chile). Among the covered topics were collective resistance to disaster capitalism during COVID-19, the relationship between children and their territories in a forced displacement context, forest fires and urban expansion in the Metropolitan Area of Valparaiso, experiences in brownfield redevelopment, and urban resistance in post-disaster reconstruction processes.
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