Presentation at DOCONF2023 "Facing post-socialist urban heritage" in Budapest

The DOCONF2023 is the 5th international doctoral and post-doctoral conference in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning organized by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). It took place on October 6-7 in Budapest, Hungary, welcoming scholars working in the context of the post-socialist cities in Central and Eastern Europe and post-soviet Asia.
Liudmila’s contribution (to be published in the subsequent peer-reviewed conference proceedings) offered a photography-based method for qualitative interviews with residents of mass housing estates to investigate how residents conceive spatial settings and create places in this typology. The method is built upon a performative approach to place, and conceptual analogy between conceiving a place in its spatial extent and photographic frame, and serves to structure a conversation with residents, supporting their narrative about their perception of place. The presentation featured pictures taken during the field work in Marzahn, a 1970s mass housing neighborhood for over 100 000 residents in the Eastern part of Berlin. The presented work feeds into Liudmila’s research interests on the role of spatial configuration in perception of place and her focus on the residential typology of mass housing estates.