Demographic and functional changes in Chilean territories with primary activities
A new article has been published with the participation of Víctor Cobs-Muñoz and in collaboration with peers from Chile's Alberto Hurtado, Austral de Chile, and Autónoma Universities.
This article seeks to understand the trajectories and velocities experienced by cities in the regional system of cities of the Maule Region of Chile (central south) in demographic and employment terms, which has had a high but differentiated dynamism in primary activities. Said dynamics, as explored in the article, are framed in a process of coevolution and outsourcing of employment towards branches with low added value in services.
The results are particularly relevant for questioning the sustainability of the prevailing development model in Chile. In the same way, the results contribute to the diagnosis for the implementation of territorial public policies, given the new attributions that regional governments will have in the Chilean political-administrative framework, which will take effect soon.
Read the full paper published in Finisterra:
Maturana, F., Rojas-Bottner, A., Cobs-Muñoz, V. and Tolosa, S. (2021). Demographic and functional changes in territories with primary activities. The case of the Maule region, Chile. Finisterra, 56 (118), 91–109. DOI: 10.18055/Finis21140.